January 21, 2012

graphic | Reflection & Illumination

designer / hsiao-yuan, huang
year / 2010
category / poster & graduation portfolio
language / traditional chinese
material / coated paper, uv print
size / poster_840x400, portfolio_195x265 (mm)

Illuminations reveal visions. Reflections echo impressions.
The work and the designer, like light inseparable from shade, like particles brushed by air, intertwine with shared quality. The work and the viewer, like a storyteller and a listener, like a camera and scenery, interchange with emotions. Design is the mirror absorbing and casting visages, the brain receiving and sending signals, and the door through time and space. It is how we interpret our lives with all the illuminations and reflections passing across our universe of mind. When I see you, I see myself; when you see me, you see much more.

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